Over the past 20 years, I’ve written thousands of articles. I cover a lot of topics, with significant experience in:
Health: Endometriosis, women's health, intersectionality, disability, medical discrimination, medical gaslighting and patient experience.
Cities: Housing, transportation, alternative fuel and electric vehicles, urban affairs, civic life, smart cities, social inequity, population trends.
Social and cultural issues: inequality and inequity, polarization and extremism, tech ethics, future of work.
News: Daily news, breaking news, news features.
The Guardian (2019) ‘Hate is infectious’: how the 1989 mass shooting of 14 women echoes today
The Atlantic (2018) Norway Is Entering a New Era of Climate-Conscious Architecture
WIRED (2023) The Race to Save Yellowknife From Raging Wildfires
The Walrus (2022) Why Is Canadian Architecture So Bad?
Maisonneuve (2020) Flipping Out
The Guardian (2022) Maple leaf flags, conspiracy theories and The Matrix: inside the Ottawa truckers’ protest
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